Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's hard to believe and I can't believe I'm going to share this--but I am 40 years old today!  Where do the days, weeks, months, years go?  It seems like yesterday I was turning 30, so it's somewhat unfathomable that 10 years have passed.  Yes, alot has happened both good and bad, but mostly it's odd.  I don't feel any older and many say I don't look older, but it doesn't change the fact that--I'm 40!!!

In other news, I've been very busy in the studio.  First taking several days to clean and here are the picutres to prove it:

There's something about cleaning away the chaos and clutter and starting the creative process again fresh. 

So, here's to another year (and another 10) of creating beautiful jewelry and a beautiful life!  40 is going to be great!

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