Here it is--Betty's ring! What an exciting project to create from start to finish. I started with an antique, unwearable ring with a fantastic stone and worked with my client (Betty) to create a new ring that she would wear, but also keep the memory and beauty of the old ring alive. And here is how we began--with a sketch:
The ring is made up of sterling silver and 18k gold, along with the original 10.5mm amethyst gemstone and gold ring shank. It doesn't look like much, but as we based this ring design on other
rings I have made, we could work in the parts that we liked and knew would enhance the features of the gemstone.
I made all the pieces for the ring and had one final meeting with Betty to show her before I put it all together. Notice the original ring side pieces--they are gold and fluted. The new ring shank is crazy 8 profile in sterling silver, which is a very comfortable shape for a shank. The bezel is 18k on a sterling face. And...
...later that week, the ring gods were with me. I put the pieces together and finished the ring off without a hitch. One final sizing on Friday, delivery day, and it is going back home to Florida for the winter to be shown off. Here's a bunch of different views to give you the full affect:
Here are some pics with the ring next to the original drawing. I actually could see the three-dimesion in my mind while looking at the drawing. There's a little difference, but overall an accurate project from start to finish.
Betty, thank you sooooo much for giving me this opportunity--allowing me to create a special ring for you. Enjoy wearing it and I look forward to seeing you next year.